Favorite Science Activities (Kid Approved)

Young children are thinking scientifically all the time. From toddlers, experimenting with cause and effect, to making predictions about the sequence of the day's events. 

Preschool aged children then begin to add a wider vocabulary and a larger range of tools to experiment and make observations. 

And with support, Pre-K children are then able to compare and categorize observable phenomena, use measurement tools, scientific talk, and effectively represent their ideas. 

Reference: https://headstart.gov/interactive-head-start-early-learning-outcomes-framework-ages-birth-five

I'm sure as parents and caregivers to young children, you are no stranger to the experimenting, questions, and constant exploration they engage in. I wanted to share what have been the most popular experiments and play I've observed in the classroom that's easy to do at home too. 

Water cycle Experiment


Using different food dyes, shaving cream, and water. Kids can observe how condensation collects in clouds until it's returned to groundwater. Plus you can introduce important new vocab, like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. 



Dyeing Flowers


Using white flowers with cut stems, the kids get to create colored flowers through capillary action. Celery and lettuce works too, and if your child is already familiar with this experiment you can compare how different lengths of stems affect the process. It's a great way to visualize how plants "drink", plus using food dye and trimming plants is always a sure way to grab their interest.



Rock Candy

Of course creating candy is a great way to pique interest. With just a few simple ingredients you can create rock candy, but it opens the door for observing big ideas like changing physical states and crystals. Plus, you need to practice observation and patience waiting for your crystals to form.



These engaging activities expand scientific vocabulary and cognitive skills, plus are a great way to spend time on a rainy afternoon. However, there's not always time to set these types of experiments up. To support children's natural curiosity and findings, giving access to tools and instruments is an easy way to support their play and learning. 


Magnifying glasses, measuring cups, reference books, droppers, and writing/drawing materials are accessible in the Hummingbird classroom and used daily. Last week, a trail of ants somehow made its way into the classroom. What happened next was completely child-led science. Instead of killing the ants, we brainstormed how to collect them and observed their behavior. The Hummingbirds set up a "trap" of dried fruit and a cracker to lure ants into their clear container. They got to observe how once one ant found the food, it left and came back with friends, once most were contained they observed the ants and made many drawings of their findings like what was the more popular snack and how many legs ants have. Proving spontaneous science can often be best!  

Updates From TCS

TCS is excited to share some big announcements for our program! We believe these changes are the best way to support our students and teachers, meet the needs of a broad array of families and ensure our long term future.

TCS has been operating for 60 years and has had some significant changes but has always remained true to its core vision. See below for more details about the changes and please don't hesitate to reach out to the board or our director, Frani, if you have any questions.


Move to 80th Street

Starting with summer camp this year, we will have everyone at TCS under one roof again. We will be leaving our space at 7400 Woodlawn at the end of this school year and consolidating everyone at our 80th Street location. Having everyone in one location will help us build a strong community, allow for more flexibility with our staff and provide more support between our amazing teachers.


Benefits of the 80th Street Location:

  • ADA accessible drop-off and better location for kids with mobility challenges

  • Lots of natural light

  • Better parking lot situation

  • Engaged Community Partner in St. Andrews

Benefits of having a single location:

  • Better community building between families

  • More flexibility with our staff

  • Reduces duplicate expenses and need for supplies

  • Staff will get to see all families at pick up and drop off, children will be more familiar with different teachers

  • More ability for teachers to support one another



  • How will this impact visiting Green Lake Park and the Library?

    • We will continue to ensure that all children get to spend time outside every day (except for very inclement weather). We plan to continue to visit the park and/or the library a few times each week with the older children. Our teachers are also working on ways to make the playground at 80th Street engaging for older kids.

  • How will ages be broken into classrooms?

    • The 80th Street supports 3 classrooms and we plan to continue to have three classrooms. The exact breakdown will depend on enrollment numbers. We plan to continue having the Hummingbirds class as our pre-K class and the Robins and Blue Jays based on age and tenure at the school.


2-Week Summer Camp Sessions


We will be offering longer summer camp sessions for Summer 2025 at our 80th Street location. Each session will be two weeks long and we will offer 3 sessions: July 7th - 18th, July 21st - August 1st and August 4th - 15th. We believe having longer sessions will allow the kids to settle into a routine and build strong relationships with our teachers which will create a better experience for everyone.

Each session will have a different theme with exciting activities. We will continue to offer half (9am - 1pm) and full (9am - 3:30pm) day options.



  • Session 1, Dirt and Dinosaurs: July 7th - 18th

  • Session 2, Carnivals and Cooking: July 21st - August 1st

  • Session 3, Construction and Crafts: August 4th - 15th


  • Half-day: $850 per session ($425 per week)

  • Full-day: $1150 per session ($575 per week)

We offer a 10% discount for (i) signing up for 2 or more sessions or (ii) siblings who are attending the same week. 10% is the maximum discount available per family.


September - July Year

Our final big change is that we will be moving to an 11-month school calendar for the 25/26 school year. Classes will start at the beginning of September but will now go through the end of July and TCS will no longer offer summer camp. We believe this will better serve the needs of our students, who benefit most from a consistent environment, our staff and our families.

While we have previously tried to adhere to the Seattle Public School calendar, we believe this leaves a gap in care over the summer. We know finding summer camps can be challenging and lack of routine over the summer can be stressful. We hope that by extending our school year we can better support our students and address this gap.

School Year Dates (Proposed):

  • First day of school: September 3, 2025`

  • Last day of school: July 30, 2026


  • $1,275 for 4 day week (M-Th)

  • $1,575 for 5 day week.

* Note:  tuition is based off a yearly cost and split evenly throughout the yearTuition reflects the fact that we are adding 6 weeks of school with only one additional tuition payment as well as a small cost of living increase for our teachers.

Activities for young kids over break

Activities for young kids over break

As a parent or guardian of young children who are usually at school, you may be wondering how to keep them busy during days with little daylight and cold, damp weather. Here are some ways to help your child continue to develop their fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills, and get out some energy to help them stay on their usual sleep schedule. All while bonding as a family!

A Neurodiversity Affirming Introduction to ADHD

A Neurodiversity Affirming Introduction to ADHD

October is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) awareness month. If you, like me, were in school in the ‘90s you may think of ADHD, or its predecessor Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) as primarily appearing in unruly young boys who couldn’t sit still. Growing up, I was probably the opposite of that, an academically-inclined girl who would rather curl up with a book than play outside. Still, in my late 20s I was diagnosed with ADHD and I had to re-evaluate many assumptions I had.

The Children’s School Annual Report: July 2023 - June 2024

The Children’s School Annual Report: July 2023 - June 2024

As a cherished non-profit part-day preschool in Seattle, The Children’s School (TCS) is dedicated to fostering a nurturing, educational environment where young learners can thrive. Our commitment to providing high-quality early childhood education is driven by our mission to support and empower each child’s growth and development. This report outlines our spending for the past fiscal year and highlights the critical need for continued fundraising to sustain and expand our programs.